Born again is the first thing anyone who wants to make heaven must do (John 3:3;5). 

This week and subsequent weeks, I will be unveiling the treasures God packaged in this seemingly simple exercise. It promises to be a great time in the presence of God.

There will be healings, conceptions, deliverances and breakthroughs of unimaginable proportions through this message.

Moses speaking in the book of Deuteronomy 29:29 says:
The secret things belong unto the LORD our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law.

The secrets of born again will be revealed to you on this platform from tomorrow so that you will be able to walk in the purpose of God for your life as His child.

Therefore, the theme of this series is:

In other not to miss anything from this expository message, we enjoy you to bookmark this page or subscribe to our mailing list so that we can send you these messages directly to your in box as they are posted.

You cannot follow this program to the end and not have a testimony to give.
Am looking forward to celebrating your testimony on this platform, all you need to do to make that happen is to camp with us here for the next few weeks.

Remain ever blessed!

Joseph K. Ikeme

Follow me on twitter @PastorJki

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