My Web Page

Hi. I’m Joseph, on this blog; I share God’s revealed word on the restoration of mankind through the redemptive work of Christ.

What I do
I’m a Prophetic word teacher, online message writer/teacher. If you are interested in having me come speak/teach/preach or work with you contact me by email:

Other ways to connect

This blog is my home base. But you can also find me on the following social networks (in other of how much I use them):

·         Twitter

Stay in touch

I look forward to hearing your testimonies of the hand of God upon your life and those around you through you. Send me your testimonies on

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Copyright © Ikeme, Prophetic Teacher 2017. All Right Reserved

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The blessing and curse of the land

And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, ...

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