Welcome to My Blog

Hi. I’m Joseph, on this blog; I share God’s revealed word on the restoration of mankind through the redemptive work of Christ.

I believe we all long to manifest the glory of God.

Our manifestation of the glory of God is anchored on our knowledge of our place in redemption.
If you dream of having encounter with God or having God reaching out to the dying world through you, this is the right place for you.

I will be publishing new articles weekly that will build you into the man or woman God manifest His glory through.

If you don’t want to miss a thing, sign up for updates.

What I do

I’m a Prophetic word teacher, online message writer/teacher. If you are interested in having me come speak/teach/preach or work with you contact me by email: restorationlight0@gmail.com

Other ways to connect

This blog is my home base. But you can also find me on the following social networks (in other of how much I use them):

·         Twitter


·         You don’t need permission to republish an excerpt from a blog post (300 words or less).

·         You are welcome to quote me without asking.

·         For interview requests, please contact me on my contact page.

Stay in touch

I look forward to hearing your testimonies of the hand of God upon your life and those around you through you. Send me your testimonies by email: restorationlight0@gmail.com

Don’t Miss a Thing!

Every week, I write new articles. If you don’t want to miss a thing, Subscribe to restorationlight 
here by email.

Copyright © Ikeme, Prophetic Teacher 2017. All Right Reserved

The blessing and curse of the land

And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, ...

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