The blessings of God are in categories. There’re the blessings that take care of your needs beyond your wildest expectations and there’re the blessings that make you a channel of blessing to others. From your blessings, other people receive their own blessings. Now that is where God is taking you to in the coming year. Praise God.
Let’s pray
Father in the name of Jesus Christ, I pray for understanding on enjoying the highest blessings of the kingdom to be released on your children that we may become proves of your existence. Give us the grace to walk in the light given to us all in the name of Jesus Christ.
What is the highest blessing of the kingdom?
It’s vital to understand that blessings are in degrees. Here we’re talking about the blessing that makes you a conduit of blessings to others. When God called Abraham He said to him, “… I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.” Genesis 12:1-3. God’s plan is not blessing you. God’s plan is making you a channel of blessings to the families of the earth.
The families of the earth can’t assess the blessings of God because the wisdom through which it’s communicated is too high for them (1st Corinthians 1:18; 25). They can’t comprehend it no matter how much they try. Having tried to comprehend it through the wisdom of man which is a product of human knowledge without success, they came to the conclusion that the wisdom of God is foolishness.
I was on a forum some time ago. In that forum, a professional lecture was given. Ninety percent of those who made comments to the post was asking for the lecture to be brought down to layman terms in other for them to understand. To them what the speaker was saying was foolishness but to them who have access to the language and knowledge of the profession, it was wisdom for excellence. That’s how it’s in the kingdom. Paul said this wisdom is the power of God to us who are saved. The wisdom of God isn’t carrying the power of God, no. It’s the power of God at work in us. Praise God.
The wisdom (power) of God wants to bless the world. But it can’t because the world can’t receive it. You’re God’s hope of reaching the world with His blessings. You’re God’s channel of blessing to the world (you’re an ambassador of blessing to the earth). You were sent here as an outlet of God’s blessings to the earth. You mustn’t fail God this coming year.
You see many Christian think they’re saved to go to heaven. But that isn’t true. You were saved into heaven to manifest the heaven where you now belong to the dying world. But you can’t do that except you come to the understanding of the mysteries on which heaven operate. The application of the secrets of the kingdom doesn’t only make you different from the world; it makes you a blessing to the world.
And he said unto them, Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables:
Mark 4:11
What makes us different from those without isn’t the knowledge of the mysteries of the kingdom but the application of those revealed mysteries. And Abraham took Ishmael his son, and all that were born in his house, and all that were bought with his money, every male among the men of Abraham's house; and circumcised the flesh of their foreskin in the selfsame day, as God had said unto him. – Genesis 17:23. The mystery that makes the Almighty the God of Abraham has been revealed to him. It was left for him to comply with the demands made on him to receive the promise or let it slide.
Any promise without a responsibility to undertake is an irresponsible promise. Every promise makes a demand on the receiver for fulfillment. God always makes a demand on us in other to fulfill His promise in our lives. Our inability to see those demands and faithfully comply with them has been the clog in the wheel of our receiving the promise. In this coming year, I pray for you. Receive the grace to promptly act on the demands God makes of you in the name of Jesus Christ.
The highest blessing in the kingdom is the blessing that makes us channels of blessings to others.
How do we access the highest blessings of the kingdom?
The Lord spoke to Moses in the book of Deuteronomy 29:29 says, “The secret things belong unto the LORD our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law.” The secret things of God revealed to us not applied equals not revealed. That we may do them, is the sole reason why they were revealed. If we don’t do them, we will never see the promises attached to them.
There’re things only obedience can give to you.
Obedience is the key to accessing the blessings of God. Whatever you’re not ready to obey, you’re not willing to receive the blessings it carries. Most of the spiritual wars we’re engaged in are as a result of disobedience. The Bible says in the book of 2nd Corinthians 10:6, “And having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled.” When you comply with God’s instructions, every other thing in your life complies with your own instruction to them. That’s how it works.
Demand for the release of the blessings that make us a blessing.
The demand for the release of the blessings that makes us a blessing is a partnership. A partnership is a demand that God makes on us in order to release to us the blessings that make us a blessing. God’s blessings make you rich but God’s partnership makes you a blessing. God made a promise of making Abraham a blessing but it never happened until Abraham partnered with God.
In Genesis 14:18-20, Abraham by revelation acknowledged God’s finger over his life with his tithe. This was the key that unlocked his being a blessing. In Genesis 22:15-19, Abraham again by revelation acknowledged the hand of God over his life by offering his only son to God.
Hear what God said, “… By myself have I sworn, saith the LORD, for because thou hast done this thing, and hast not withheld thy son, thine only son:” – Genesis 22:16 (KJV). Whatever God gives you have the capacity to make you a blessing. It all depends on how you use what God gives you. You can withhold it for your use or you can offer it back to God as an offering of partnership. What gives seed to the sower is what gives bread to the eater.
The blessings of being a blessing are only reserved for the few who have been proven to be trustworthy with the blessing with which God had blessed them.
He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much. If therefore ye have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will commit to your trust the true riches? And if ye have not been faithful in that which is another man's, who shall give you that which is your own? No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.
Luke 16:10-13
If you’re not faithful with the blessings of God with which He has blessed you in promoting the kingdom of God and its righteousness, how would He trust you to be a channel of blessing to the dying world around you with the true riches of heaven? Whatever you love more than God is your god.
2018 is our year of supernatural blessing. But there’s a demand made on us to make it happen. The demand of partnering with God to reach the dying world with the gospel of Christ is what God requires of us to make good his promise of making us a blessing.
What is a partnership?
It’s a legal relation existing between two or more persons contractually associated with joint principals in a business.
Kingdom partnership is all about joining forces with God to reach the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ. God isn’t joining forces with you, no. You’re the one joining forces with God. God is the owner of the business. You’re coming in as a co-owner to partake of the blessings of God’s business.
Jesus said in Luke 2:49, “… How is it that ye sought me? wist ye not that I must be about my Father's business?” In the coming year, you must take the spreading of the gospel of Christ around the world very seriously. There’s no more time and God is riding on you and all that is yours to reach the world. You can’t afford to fail. The forces backing you is far greater than the forces against you (2 King 6:17). The problem is that you have never taken a step forward in this direction.
And as they that bare the ark came unto Jordan, and the feet of the priests that bare the ark were dipped in the brim of the water, (for Jordan overfloweth all his banks all the time of harvest,). That the waters which came down from above stood and rose up upon a heap very far from the city Adam, that is beside Zaretan: and those that came down toward the sea of the plain, even the salt sea, failed, and were cut off: and the people passed over right against Jericho.
Joshua 3:15-16
The ark of the lord (the gospel of Jesus Christ) is the ark of all-around blessing to making whosoever bears it a blessing (2 Kings 6:10-12).
Avenue of kingdom partnership
There’re many areas we can partner with God to spread the gospel of the kingdom. But we will be considering those avenues that are primary to this platform (blog).
1. Social media sharing.
And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
Mark 16:15
God is asking you to go into the entire world and preach the gospel to every creature, not to humans alone. Right now you don’t need to board a plane to head home to any part of the word to preach the gospel. You can do that right from your bedroom with your phone or laptop.
Before I started this blog, God told me there’re many people who don’t have access to the gospel due to one constraint or the other but they have unrestrained access to the internet. He said to me, am sending you to this people.
Most of these people are on your social media pages. I may not have access to them but you do. You’re coming here isn’t a mistake, neither is their being in your social media networks by accident. All were designed by God for this time. I mean this time. They’re your vehicle to glory in the coming year depending on, if you will utilize this opportunity to bring them to the kingdom of God by sharing the messages released on this blog to them in all your social networks.
2. Consistent prayer for both the saved and the unsaved.
Epaphras, who is one of you, a servant of Christ, saluteth you, always laboring fervently for you in prayers that ye may stand perfect and complete in all the will of God.
Colossians 4:12
Prayer is a spiritual work. We labor in prayer for the church to stand perfectly to the day of Christ coming. It can’t happen by our strength. We need God’s strength to stand perfectly.
We pray for the saved to be established in the faith. We also pray for the eyes of their understanding to be enlightened to know the hope of their calling in Christ Jesus. One who is well established in the faith can’t easily yield to the antics of the devil. And one who is enlightened can teach others.
We pray for the unsaved that the word of God may have a free course in their life and be glorified. We pray that they are saved from the powers of darkness into the kingdom of God dear son. We pray to destroy the hold of sin over their lives.
There’s so much to pray for the saved and the unsaved.
3. We partner with God with our resources.
Cry yet, saying, Thus saith the LORD of hosts; My cities through prosperity shall yet be spread abroad, and the LORD shall yet comfort Zion, and shall yet choose Jerusalem.
Zechariah 1:17 (KJV)
The spreading of the gospel of the kingdom of God rides on the wings of our finances. The church of God needs your money to spread the gospel of Christ around the world. It’s through our investment in the spreading of the gospel of the kingdom as partner shall the LORD comfort with His blessing that makes us a blessing.
Beyond making available your resources for the propagation of the gospel on this blog, your knowledge is also an avenue of partnering with God here. What knowledge do you have that can make the here spread wider, faster, effectively and efficiently.
The kingdom of God is the best place to invest your wisdom. And thou shalt speak unto all that are wise hearted, whom I have filled with the spirit of wisdom, that they may make Aaron's garments to consecrate him, that he may minister unto me in the priest's office. –Exodus 28:3. God primarily give us wisdom for the spreading of the kingdom of God on earth.
Revelation not applied is revelation wasted.
This blessing isn’t for everybody. It’s for the children of God alone. You can’t make payment to a bank when you don’t have an account. Salvation opens an account for you to God. To become a child of God who has access to the privileges enumerated above, say the following prayer from the depth of your heart with all sincerity.
Oh Lord God, I believe with my entire hearth in your son Jesus Christ. I believe He died for me and You raised Him from the dead. I believe He is alive today. I confess with my mouth that Jesus Christ is the Lord of my life from today. Through Him and in His name I have eternal life.
I am born again. Thank you, Lord. I am now a child of God. Praise God!
Congratulations! You are now a child of God. To receive more information on how you can grow as a Christian, bookmark this blog, subscribe to our mailing list here for exclusive materials that we will help you grow as a child of God we will be sending out in the nearest future.
Father in the name of Jesus Christ, I decree that the grace of God for prompt obedience rest upon you right now. The grace to be faithful in your partnership with God is released upon you in the name of Jesus Christ.
As you partner with God in the coming year, the supernatural blessing that makes one a blessing comes upon you without measure in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
I receive God’s grace to be a faithful kingdom partner. I walk in the grace of God made available to me as a partner in the supernatural order of blessings that make one a blessing.
I’m a channel of God’s blessing to the world. God’s blessing flows from me to the world around me and far beyond in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Remain ever blessed
Jesus is Lord.
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